Applied Social Studies Level 5

 Social Studies / Dunboyne College / Meath / 1686 views

This one-year course prepares participants for work with people in a social care, community development or residential setting. The care worker needs social, communication and caring skills to work with individuals and groups. Many of the skills acquired will be transferable for use with adolescents, families and the elderly in a caring, educational or development role. The Applied Social Studies QQI course will lay a foundation for these skills and provide the work experience to put learning into practice. This course will serve as training for social care/community care/ healthcare sectors or as a link to Applied Social Studies/ Social Care or Nursing certificate or degree courses in many Institutes of Technology throughout the country. This course is ideal for both school leavers and experienced mature persons seeking a formal education.


A theoretical approach to community and health services/social studies will be complemented by practical experience.

The following modules are included, subject to availability and demand..

  • Social Studies
  • Applied Psychology
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Young People and Society
  • Community Addiction Studies
  • Communications
  • Work Experience
  • Word Processing
  • Course Type : QQI Level 5
  • Duration : 1 year
Location / Contact details

Dunboyne, County MeathMeath

Contact Institute - Dunboyne College of Further Education
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