Hairdressing Level 5, Mayo
Hair and Beauty / St Louis CS / Meath / 1439 views
Course Duration
This is a one year, full time course running from September to May.
Successful completion of this course will result in a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Hairdressing, 5M3351.
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied.
Exemptions granted to mature applicants.
Entry may be subject to interview.
Course Content
- Communications – Students will learn a wide variety of communication skills.
- Work Experience – Students are required to secure work experience one day per week in a salon and in the work experience class students will be introduced to key themes within the world of work.
- Hairdressing Theory & Practice – This module will introduce students to hairdressing as a career, enabling students to become proficient in basic hairdressing skills and to equip them with the underpinning theoretical knowledge. The basic hairdressing skills will include shampoo and conditioning hair, dressing hair, plaiting & twisting hair and an introduction to colouring and perming of hair.
- Hairdressing Science – This subject will equip students with an understanding of the scientific principles underlying hairdressing.
- Customer Service – This key subject is especially relevant to working in a salon.
Safety & Health at Work – This will provide the learner with the skills and knowledge to promote and maintain safety and health in the working environment. - Reception & Front Line Office Skills – this will provide the opportunity to develop the essential reception and front line office skills needed in any modern working environment.
- Course Type : QQI Level 5
- Duration : 1 year
Contact Institute - Dunboyne College of Further Education