Level 5 PLC Courses


Code: 5M20454
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Crop and livestock production

Animal Care

Code: 5M2768
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Veterinary

Applied Ecology

Code: 5M5028
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Multidiscipline

Applied Social Studies

Code: 5M2181
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 03.1


Code: 5M5156
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fisheries


Code: 5M1985
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fine arts

Art, Craft and Design

Code: 5M1984
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fine arts

Beauty Therapy

Code: 5M3471
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hair and beauty services

Business Administration

Code: 5M2468
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Secretarial and office work

Business Studies

Code: 5M2102
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 04.9

Commercial Fishing

Code: 5M5125
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fisheries

Community Care

Code: 5M2786
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2

Community Development

Code: 5M3050
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2

Community Health Services

Code: 5M4468
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2

Computer Aided Design

Code: 5M1940
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Architecture and town planning

Computer Systems and Networks

Code: 5M0536
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Database and network design and administration

Construction Technology

Code: 5M5010
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Building and civil engineering

Contact Centre Operations

Code: 5M2071
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Secretarial and office work

Craft Butchery

Code: 5M20880
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Food processing

Creative Craft

Code: 5M1981
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 02.1

Creative Media

Code: 5M5048
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 02.1

Cultural and Heritage Studies

Code: 5M2154
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Sociology and cultural studies


Code: 5M4572
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Music and performing arts

Dance Studies

Code: 5M20588
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Music and performing arts


Code: 5M2208
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Handicrafts

Early Childhood Care and Education

Code: 5M2009
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Child care and youth services


Code: 5M0828
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 04.9

Education and Training

Code: 5M3635
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 01.1

Engineering Technology

Code: 5M2061
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 07.9

Fashion Design

Code: 5M3865
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Handicrafts

Film and Television Production

Code: 5M18519
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production


Code: 5M2686
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Handicrafts

Food Science

Code: 5M5267
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Multidiscipline


Code: 5M3425
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Forestry

Furniture Design and Making

Code: 5M2012
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Handicrafts

General Studies

Code: 5M3114
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 03.1

Graphic Design

Code: 5M1995
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production


Code: 5M3351
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hair and beauty services

Health Service Skills

Code: 5M3782
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2

Healthcare Support

Code: 5M4339
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2


Code: 5M3371
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Veterinary


Code: 5M2586
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Horticulture

Hospitality Operations

Code: 5M2083
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hotel, restaurants and catering

Information Processing

Code: 5M2067
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Secretarial and office work

Intellectual Disability Practice

Code: 5M1761
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 09.2

Interior Design

Code: 5M5054
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fashion, interior and industrial design

International Trade

Code: 5M2111
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Wholesale and retail sales


Code: 5M2464
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Journalism and reporting

Laboratory Techniques

Code: 5M3807
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Multidiscipline

Language and European Studies

Code: 5M2073
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Sociology and cultural studies

Legal Studies

Code: 5M3789
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Law

Life Sciences Manufacturing Operations

Code: 5M2162
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 07.3

Logistics and Distribution

Code: 5M2767
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Transport services

Make-up Artistry

Code: 5M5265
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hair and beauty services


Code: 5M2069
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Marketing and advertising

Media Production

Code: 5M18518
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Motor Technology

Code: 5M2145
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Mechanics and metal trades

Multimedia Production

Code: 5M2146
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production


Code: 5M2011
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Music and performing arts


Code: 5M20599
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Music and performing arts

Nursing Studies

Code: 5M4349
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Nursing and midwifery

Office Administration

Code: 5M1997
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Secretarial and office work

Office Informatics

Code: 5M18294
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Computer use

Outdoor Sport and Recreation

Code: 5M5148
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Sports

Performing Arts

Code: 5M5151
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production


Code: 5M2094
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Plastics Injection Moulding

Code: 5M3080
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)

Professional Cookery

Code: 5M2088
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hotel, restaurants and catering

Radio Production

Code: 5M4511
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Restaurant Operations

Code: 5M2089
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Hotel, restaurants and catering

Retail Practice

Code: 5M2105
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Wholesale and retail sales

Seafood Processing

Code: 5M5157
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Fisheries

Security Studies

Code: 5M2110
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Protection of persons and property

Security Systems Technology

Code: 5M2109
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Refer to subfield 07.3

Software Development

Code: 5M0529
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Software and applications development and analysis

Sound Production

Code: 5M2149
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Sports, Recreation and Exercise

Code: 5M5146
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Sports

Theatre Performance

Code: 5M5163
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Theatre Production

Code: 5M5152
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Audio-visual techniques and media production

Tourism with Business

Code: 5M5011
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Travel, tourism and leisure

Youth Work

Code: 5M4732
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Child care and youth services

Level 5 Certificate in Craft Butchery

Code: 5M20692
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Food processing

Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care

Code: 5M21473
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Child care and youth services

Level 5 Certificate in Scaffolding

Code: 5M21093
NFQ Level: 5
Award Class: Major
Category: Building and civil engineering
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